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More Mix Up With DJ Hero
by Binh Nguyen [ Friday, 19th of March 2010 - 01:34 PM ]
If you are one of the few people who actually picked up DJ Hero for the XBox 360 or PlayStation 3, then I am really sorry you spent all that money for nothing. Just Kidding. Anyways... All DJ Hero owners will be mixing it up with brand new mix tracks from Activision, as they will be releasing a JAY-Z vs. Eminem Mix Pack. Jamie Jackson, Creative Director of FreeStyleGames said, “From sold out concerts to #1 albums to double digit Grammy Awards, JAY-Z and Eminem define what it means to be a successful artist. Read More...
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DJ Hero Renegade 2-CD Pack-in Track List Released
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 15th of October 2009 - 03:49 PM ]
Yesterday, Activision released the track listing for the bonus 2-CD pack of Jay-Z and Eminem for the DJ Hero Renegade Edition. As a person who is readily suspicious of special editions and collector's edition, I had my doubts about DJ Hero's special pack-in when I saw that the jump in price from the regular edition was 80 US Dollars. With Wednesday's track listing release for the big addition to the original product and what exactly it will be, it really begs the question if what you're getting is worth the price of admission. Looking at Gamestop's web listing for DJ Hero Renegade Edition, you get: DJ Hero Renegade Edition Includes the following items: DJ Hero Game Renegade Turntable Controller featuring premium metal controls and finish Hardshell Turntable Carrying Case that converts to performance-ready DJ stand Exclusive JAY-Z and EMINEM 2-CD pack featuring unreleased tracks and collectible case designed by artist Shepard Fairey Looking at the track listing of the 2-CD set and being a fan, albeit not a huge stalker-level fan, I was really impressed at what is being included especially a brand new track. Read More...
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