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Scorn Is Coming For Us All Again This Fall & On The PS5
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 3rd of July 2023 - 05:00 PM ]
Scorn A PS5 version of Scorn is on the way to us all now with Scorn getting another Deluxe Edition in the mix for collectors It only took a little bit of time, but it looks as if more gamers out there are going to get a chance to experience the horror that Scorn has given so many. It dropped on the PC and Xbox Series X|S last year and it looks as if Ebb Software was not with bringing the new world to life. Now, sometime this Fall, those that only play games on the PS5 will be able to give their survival chops a test when Scorn lands there. Sometime in the Fall, but if I had to place some money down, I would guess around the mid to late October time for that. Read More...
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Scorn Will Now Be Dropping On Us All A Little Bit Earlier Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of October 2022 - 07:00 PM ]
Scorn A new release date for Scorn is now set with Scorn coming to us a week earlier than we recently knew It does not happen often, but here we go with a new release date update for Scorn and it is a bit of great news. It is not a new delay of any kind, but it looks like Ebb Software is ready to give it all to us on the Xbox Series X|S and PC sooner. A whole week sooner. So, if you have not set the time aside for Scorn as of yet, get ready to do so but on October 14th now. Read More...
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See How Well You Will Be Able To Survive The Opening We Will Have With Scorn
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 22nd of September 2022 - 05:00 PM ]
Scorn The first eight minutes of Scorn is out here now with the prologue gameplay for Scorn to show off how it is going to start Get ready to spoil the opening of Scorn here today, as we have a good chunk of the prologue gameplay we can expect to have when the game hits the PC and Xbox Series X|S on October 21st. Thankfully, it is not the full prologue for the game with Ebb Software looking to keep a good chunk of it hidden for the first playthrough. I am down for all of that since so many other titles will show most of these scenes and make the game a little boring from the start. Read More...
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There Is Now A Final Release Date For When Your Brains Will Be Struck By Scorn
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 14th of June 2022 - 09:00 PM ]
Scorn The final release date for Scorn is set and we have a bit more gameplay to walk us through the extreme body horror within Scorn There was the tease before that Scorn would be hitting the Xbox Series X|S and PC in October and it look as if that is still the plan. More so, now that we have the official released ate from Ebb Software of October 21st of this year. Just in time to make sure the Halloween season has some good body horror added into the mix of things. Scorn has not shied away from any of that before and the new trailer that comes along with this announcement also dives right into all of that. Read More...
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Scorn Will Be Coming For Us All In Time For The Spooky Season
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 21st of December 2021 - 06:00 PM ]
Scorn The release window for Scorn is now closer with Scorn aiming for a Halloween time release out there If you have been keeping a close eye on Ebb Software and their upcoming title Scorn, then you will be happy to know that you will get to have your hands on it soon-ish. Soon might be a bit of a misnomer at this point, but that does not mean that we are not one step closer to seeing the game hit the Xbox Series X|S and PC. In fact, it looks like Scorn will be coming right around the time that many thought it would be. Get ready to dive into more horror out there this coming October when the game is set to launch. Read More...
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Scorn Offers Up Some Bloody Dark Gameplay To Haunt Us With
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 22nd of October 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
Scorn New gameplay for Scorn is here with a long fourteen-minute look at how Scorn will have us managing so much It has been a good minute since we last had anything major out there for Scorn and now feels like the perfect time for that. It is a horror title and given the proximity to Halloween here it seems like the perfect time for Ebb Software to remind us of the game. Well, that and to give us some new footage to look at for Scorn so we can keep mentally ready for it to hit the PC and Xbox Series X next year. That is why we are here again, as we have fourteen minutes of gameplay to take in and be horrified with some of the body horror and creepiness that the game will offer up when we all dive right into it. Read More...
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Scorn Gets A New Look As It Heads To The Xbox Series X
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 7th of May 2020 - 09:00 PM ]
Scorn A new trailer for Scorn is out there now as Scorn is announced to be coming to the Xbox Series X when the console launches this year Talk about a long wait, but we finally have something new to see for Scorn after its announcement so long ago. Not only something new to see but also something to see as Ebb Software will be having it run on the Xbox Series X on top of the PC when it launches. That is the easy way of saying that Scorn will be coming to the platform there when the console finally launches this Holiday season. One could also read that it will be an exclusive for the console there, but it also sounds like it will be a timed exclusive there for the launch of the console. Read More...
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Scorn Kicks Things Off With Some Gameplay & A Demo Coming Very Soon
by Jana Lass [ Wednesday, 6th of September 2017 - 09:00 PM ]
Scorn The first-person horror-adventure game Scorn has some new gameplay to look at and the Kickstarter for Scorn is officially underway if you want to help Look out as first-person horror-action game Scorn is here and bringing with it come new gameplay to help as the Kickstarter for the game is also kicking off here. Maybe you have heard of the game before now or maybe you have not, but nonetheless here we are with the latest and greatest for the game in terms of gameplay. Something to whet your whistle with and hopefully entice you to join the Scorn Kickstarter to get the game full made on the PC. Read More...
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