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by Andrew "Irradiccus" Franks [ Wednesday, 16th of April 2014 - 09:03 PM ]
We Get All Hands On With SWIMSANITY. Here Is Our Experience With The Game. Decoy Games presented a deep sea adventure in their very first piece of work at PAX East this year with SWIMSANITY. This underwater fighter gives you Co-Op, Deathmatch, CTF, and more for up to 4 players; with optional team settings for the competitive modes. With a fast-pace movement, teleportation, and unique unleashes SWIMSANITY has plenty to offer for friends both sitting on a couch or crosses state lines over the internet. SWIMSANITY puts you in the aquatic soldier body of a Mooba, a combative creature equipped with a magnitude of weapons. Read More...
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PAX East Hands On: Swimsanity
by Kenton Winkfield [ Thursday, 28th of March 2013 - 06:13 PM ]
One of the last titles I got to see at PAX East was an incredible amount fun and I'm not just saying that because I got to beat my friends down in it. Swimsanity was one of my favorite titles that I got to play at PAX East. The best part is it's not even finished yet. I got to speak with the whole team of Decoy Games, a new indie developer company that is responsible for the amazing Swimsanity and they confirmed that there will be many more features and maps besides what's been showcased at PAX East. Decoy Games is an independent gaming company started by two brothers, Ahmed and Khalil Abdullah. After exploring their passion for gaming, and finding they had an ability to create games, they began to build what they call team Decoy. Read More...
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