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Dark Souls 3 Has Two New Editions Coming & A Possible Release Date
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 9th of November 2015 - 10:00 PM ]
Dark Souls 3 Two new collector's editions for Dark Souls 3 have shown up online today and some of the ads point to a solid date that Dark Souls 3 could release You have to love the internet sometimes as it does its damnedest to uncover things like we have here for Dark Souls 3 today. I am sure that FromSoftware and/or Namco are not too happy about it but it looks like someone has spotted two of the special editions of Dark Souls 3 out there in cyberspace and spilled the beans for you all. Granted as the retailer showing off both of these Dark Souls 3 bundles has still yet to take them down I have a feeling that what you are about to see will be a region specific thing unless enough of you make noise to get these absurdly expensive bundles brought anywhere else. To clear things up a bit here, a NeoGAF User spotted and brought to light two bundles for Dark Souls 3 being listed by United Arab Emirates retailer Geekay Games. Read More...
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