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Nintendo Announces 3DS And AT&T Collaboration
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 2nd of March 2011 - 10:18 PM ]
Big announcements are happening at GDC every day but Nintendo surprised everyone when it announced a new collaboration with AT&T and its soon to be released Nintendo 3DS. During his keynote speech at GDC this morning, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata's informed everyone: "There is great potential to increase the number of people who enjoy video games by opening up new game-play opportunities that are only available through the use of 3D,” Iwata said. “Nintendo 3DS will be the most connected Nintendo device ever, with its ability to link people via local wireless connections, while at the same time connecting them to people and content worldwide via hotspot connectivity." With the launch of Nintendo's 3DS less than a month away (March 27th), it looks like Nintendo is going to attempt and reclaim the mobile gaming market. Read More...
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Nintendo Drops Portable Price For Holidays
by Brian Bentley [ Tuesday, 31st of August 2010 - 08:34 PM ]
As if Nintendo didn't already control enough of the portable console market, they wanted to really push the Nintendo DSi and DSi XL handhelds this holiday season by reducing prices. Beginning on September 12th, the Nintendo DSi will drop to $149.99 and the DSi XL will drop to $169.99. The DS Lite will continue at the $129.99 price point. As always, the marketing team over at Nintendo of America (NOA) makes a brilliant move: drop the price of the DSi and DSi XL now in September in order to sell more units for Holiday 2010. Read More...
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