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Nintendo DLC For The Week Of 11/2/09
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 2nd of November 2009 - 11:34 PM ]
When I looked at the list of downloadable content this week for Nintendo, I was shocked to see eight titles listed for the three "platforms" available. For so long, the Big 'N' was releasing one title a week on each platform: WiiWare, DSiWare and Virtual Console. Many people, including myself, asked why Nintendo was holding back, especially in light of the fact that first party titles haven't exactly been busting down retail doors in a short period of time. Unfortunately, when looking at what the public received, you begin to understand why the big push. Looking at the DSiWare selections this week, your attention is drawn immediately to the first party photo application, Sparkle Snapshots. Read More...
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Wii and DSi DLC for the Week of 5/4
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 6th of May 2009 - 03:52 AM ]
Another week means new downloadable releases on Wii and DSi.  This ultimately indicates another first party cash-in for Nintendo.  A rumor I had heard and spoke out about on Total Meltdown, Episode 26, that Nintendo would use their first party mascots/characters to sell little applications on the DSi has come to fruition.A pair of applications are new to the DSi Ware shop.  Featuring the Animal Crossing license and each costing 200 DSi Ware points, Nintendo released a calculator and a clock. Read More...
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Wii and DSi DLC for the Week of 4/13
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 15th of April 2009 - 12:09 PM ]
Sorry it’s been a couple of weeks, folks, but once again, I’m bringing Nintendo’s weekly DLC into the spotlight.  This week, the big N drops two titles into the DSi Shop, one into Wii Ware and one into the Virtual Console.  Everyone has good weeks and bad weeks and Nintendo is different with this week’s lineup. The “Telephone” clone is impressive in that the title can support up to 21 people online, but 500 points seems a bit pricey for a slightly improved version of Picto-chat.  The Master of Illusion Express: Shuffle Games title is a great idea, for a demo. Read More...
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Going Crazy Over Points At Nintendo
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 9th of April 2009 - 01:08 AM ]
This week Nintendo released the DSi and its accompanying application download service, the DSi Shop.  Akin to the Wii Shop Channel, consumers will be able to purchase and download software directly to their DSi systems with the price of the software ranging from free to 800+ DSi Points (800 points is roughly $8).  The first round of “DSi Ware” includes an opera-powered web browser (free) and 5 games with WarioWare: Stacked! (500 DSi Points) as the noticeable standout of the bunch. Read More...
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