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A New Tomb Raider Headed Our Way?
by Andy [ Sunday, 12th of July 2009 - 04:53 AM ]
Is a new Tomb Raider game headed our way? Sources point to yes as today leaked concept art and game descriptions make their way to the internet. What looks to be another reboot to the popular franchise, with a survival horror overhaul. Concept art of a newly designed Lara as well as roaming creatures inside! Read More...
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Concepts Not In Limbo
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 25th of February 2009 - 05:39 PM ]
Some Concept Art From Dante's Inferno After seeing the awesome trailer for the game yesterday, I thought it would be a bit more time before we saw anything further for this game (Dante's Inferno). Partially I was right, partially I was wrong. Unless of course you count concept art for some of the scenes in the trailer to be new and cool images for the game. If you do though, then here you go. EA has handed out some of the artwork behind some of the visuals you got to see so far. Read More...
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Summon Up The Concepts
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 5th of August 2008 - 07:54 PM ]
Final Fantasy XIII Exhibition Of Original Drawings So on top of announcing the fact that there is going to be a demo for the game come this March, another bit that was featured at the DKΣ3713 event was some of the concept work for the new FF game. In particular, three of the summons and a few locations in the game. Not the best resolution that was available, but it is something for all of us fanboys/girls to drool over while we wait for the demo and release of the game. Here are some of the concepts for Ifrit, Sheva and Carbunkle. Read More...
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Concepts of Diablo III
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 8th of July 2008 - 04:25 PM ]
Running Pictures With The Devil So I was bouncing about IGN and found the below. There are loads more images on there, but here are a few that I liked and decided to show you, my readers. All three of you. But I will say to go to their site and check out all the rest of them. There are some other really gorgeous images there. No what do I think about this? Just from these concepts, this game looks like it won't disappoint fans of the game. Read More...
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