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Call of Duty: Galactic Warfare
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 18th of September 2009 - 02:45 PM ]
Now here is some friggin' dedication to two great franchises, Call of Duty and Star Wars. How much dedication? Well enough to do a total conversion of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and replace all the locations, NPCs, and weapons with all things Star Wars. By all things Star Wars I'm talking the stuff from the good films. You know, numbers four to six in Lucas' messed up numbering system for so long ago. Something that is almost as bad as how Capcom use to be with Street Fighter. Read More...
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Call of Duty 5 Beta
by Robert [ Thursday, 16th of October 2008 - 05:50 PM ]
Ok, so I was lucky enough to receive a Call of Duty 5 beta invite!!!! (aka I just joined the COD website a few days before the beta opening) There isn't too much to say about Call of Duty 5, it's basically just Call of Duty 4 with a different look... errr era. In the beta you get to play 3 maps multi-player, Roundhouse, Castle, and Makin. All 3 maps are awesome. Castle is alright, it's pretty much just a Japanese castle that has quite a few buildings to run throughout, and it looks pretty. Read More...
Tags: COD4, COD5, Treyarch,
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CoD4 For Mac Review
by Andy [ Tuesday, 30th of September 2008 - 04:28 AM ]
As you may have read here before, Call of Duty 4 was coming to the Mac. All this time, the release date was constantly pushed back, frustrating us mac users. So now the time has come that you can now have CoD4 for the mac, and I must say it is just as good as I would of hoped it would be. You are able to download the game or purchase the actual game itself. There is quite a bit of controversy around the DRM that Aspyr has implemented. At first glance, 54. Read More...
Tags: CoD4, Mac, WOOO,
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Call of Duty 4 Brings Back Double XP on 09/13 - 09/14
by Michael Camacho [ Thursday, 4th of September 2008 - 10:03 PM ]
Time to hang up the Madden cleats, stop the treasure hunting in Too Human, and find your save point in Tales Of Vesperia, as it's time to go back to once again answer your Call Of Duty.  Fourzerotwo, an Infinity Ward spokesman, says they're bringing back the double XP for the weekend of September 13th & September 14th for Xbox Live and Playstation Network.  So get those guns cleaned, locked, loaded and kick the safety off, as it's time to start climbing the ranks with ease and quickness. If you want to take a nice break from the XP whoring in CoD4, we will be holding our Gears Of War Gaming Night from 7pm - 8pm EST. Read More...
Tags: cod4, call, duty, xbox, 360, psn, ps3,
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New COD4 Game Modes?
by Robert [ Wednesday, 16th of July 2008 - 08:50 PM ]
402 announced a few days ago that this weekend IW will be testing out new game modes... none of them are very creative like 402 was hinting towards.   Bare-Bones Team Deathmatch No more excuses. No more blaming Martyrdom or Juggernaut for your lack of skills and kills. Bare Bones Team Deathmatch eliminates the excuses and takes it back to basics with standard Team Deathmatch with no perks, no kill streak rewards. Just you, your skill, and your weapons.   It has potential, a lot of people complain about perks (fucking juggernaught). Read More...
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Call of Duty 4 for Mac Has a Release Date
by Andy [ Friday, 13th of June 2008 - 05:59 PM ]
As an avid mac fan one thing that seriously sucks is the lack of games that are made for the mac. Once I heard that COD4 was going to made for the mac, I was insanely excited, I counted down the days til May and checked as often as I could to try and find a release date. Alas, I could never find one, so I found myself searching google for the date. I came across a couple of forums that said they game was due around in June, somewhere in the middle. Read More...
Tags: cod4, mac, sadness,
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NPD Announces: COD4 Sales Number Pwns!
by Alyssa Porter [ Friday, 14th of March 2008 - 12:35 AM ]
  NPD Announces: COD4 Sales Number Pwns!   Call of Duty by Infinity Ward for Xbox360 pwns this month’s NPD group in Games sales. This multiplatform game went up against several notable debuts this month and still came out number one!  01.   Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360) - 296,200 02.   Devil May Cry 4 (Xbox 360) - 295,200 03.   Wii Play (Wii) - 289,700 04. Read More...
Tags: COD4, NPD,
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