402 announced a few days ago that this weekend IW will be testing out new game modes... none of them are very creative like 402 was hinting towards.
Bare-Bones Team Deathmatch
No more excuses. No more blaming Martyrdom or Juggernaut for your lack of skills and kills. Bare Bones Team Deathmatch eliminates the excuses and takes it back to basics with standard Team Deathmatch with no perks, no kill streak rewards. Just you, your skill, and your weapons.
It has potential, a lot of people complain about perks (fucking juggernaught). It could get boring though... seriously, no running around and throwing C4 at people and then setting it off? Weak. If you've ever tried Old school FFA you feel so stripped of everything, I feel like this game mode might feel like that, in a bad away. I can see a lot of people enjoying it though, so I'll probably check it out.
Hardcore HQ
Hardcore HQ requires a lot more than just spamming the HQ position with nades and running in guns blazing. Hardcore HQ encourages more tactical game play and communication to win with increased damage, no HUD elements, and friendly fire on.
I'm an avid player of Hardcore mode and I prefer it over regular, but this idea is stupid. This will be nothing but a frag-fest and noob tube galore, with a side order of RPG in the face. This game mode doesn't work at all; the only more idiotic game mode they could try is Hardcore Domination, silly IW...
Multi-bomb Search and Destroy
Multi-bomb Search and Destroy starts every member of the attacking team with a bomb. So everyone has the opportunity to plant if they’re good enough.
No... Just... no. The only good this does is give offense the advantage on maps like Creek and Pipeline. Other than that? Just... no. It takes the way the feel of someone being the bomb carrier, it takes away the necessity of needing to go retrieve the bomb, it takes away the need to kill the bomb carrier for an extra 100 exp/score. I don't even know why they came up with this...
Hardcore FFA
Even faster paced Free for Alls, where every bullet counts and playing smart is key for a solid k/d ratio. Standard Free for All rules, with Hardcore mode enabled for extra damage, no HUD, and no health re-gen.
This is my favorite of all the game modes they'll be trying; since FFA is sometimes fun... and I enjoy Hardcore. I feel like this game mode is a nice one to throw in for when people are a little bored of the usual HC Search & Destroy or HC Team Deathmatch... this one will be worth playing.
Overall, the ideas suck ass. Bare-Bones Team Deathmatch appears to be the most viable of all of them; I feel if they add it in it will get played. Hardcore FFA too, it won’t be the most played game mode, but it's a simple game mode that feels left out. I am also pretty disappointed that they aren't trying out Hardcore Sabotage... com'on 402, we really need Hardcore Sabotage.