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Cannibal Is Changing Things Up With A New Name, Borneo: A Jungle Nightmare
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 3rd of December 2020 - 06:00 PM ]
Borneo Cannibal will now be known as Borneo: A Jungle Nightmare with Borneo: A Jungle Nightmare looking to shift from just a jungle setting You may or may not remember the announcement of Cannibal from a while back. If you do not, it is not a huge issue, as it looks like that is no longer the name as Fantastico Studio has shifted the name over to Borneo: A Jungle Nightmare now. Not a huge deal, but it is worth noting if you have been trying to keep up on it and thought it might no longer be in the works. Just be sure to change over all of the alerts and notifications over to Borneo: A Jungle Nightmare so you can be ready for when it hits the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Switch, and PC this coming Summer. Read More...
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