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Pre-PAX East Speculations
by Fred Buell [ Monday, 18th of March 2013 - 11:21 PM ]
With PAX East less than a week away let's get a look at everything going down this coming weekend. Firstly, we have the recently re-announced Saints Row 4 from Volition and their new owners Deep Silver. Nothing about this game aside from the release date and a fluff trailer has been shown. What do you expect from the newest installment of the Saints franchise? Personally I expect the game to be even more insane, with hopefully a deeper customization, as I felt Saints Row III pulled back a bit from we had in Saints Row II. Also, Deep Silver is showing off the new installment of Dead Island franchise, Dead Island: Riptide. Read More...
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Let There Be BattleBlock!
by Kevin [ Wednesday, 3rd of February 2010 - 12:44 AM ]
The Behemoth, the cats responsible for Newgrounds, Alien Hominid, and Castle Crashers have given a name and a trailer for their newest title, "BatttleBlock Theater" (formerly "Game 3"). The plot is described over at the The Behemoth's official blog as, "Having been shipwrecked on a mysterious island you find yourself both betrayed by your best friend Hatty and captured by the locals. All of this is happening while being forced into deadly performances. This however, is just the start of your problems. Read More...
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