WiLD Gets A New Set Of Art Slipped Out There To Show Its Alive


A new batch of art for WiLD is out there now after a long bit of time that we have not heard anything about WiLD for a while

Things have been crazy quiet for WiLD since it was first announced for the PS4 back in 2014. There have been a few updates here and there from Wild Sheep Studio along the way, but not all too much since 2015. It was thought that WiLD might not be seeing the light of day, but a new update to the studio's website has some out there thinking we will be getting a new update soon. If you do not accept that what we have here is not a full update to have as of yet. I'll take it either way at this point and we will now carry along.

The aforementioned website for WiLD had five new bits of art show up as a slideshow in the background and it focuses on a few locations, characters, and animals. Based on what we know for the game so far, it could be enemies or allies along the way in the vast world the team has been working on. Nothing too big, but after so long it is nice to see that WiLD did not get shelved as of yet. Hells, this could potentially mean that we could see the game hit the PS5 instead now and they have been holding off for that system to drop anything. That is speculation, though, and we have those bits of art just below for you to enjoy.

WiLD — Bear WiLD — Landmark WiLD — Sanctuary Tree
WiLD — Secret WiLD — Shaman

WiLD is set in a lush, expansive world where you will learn and adapt to the ever-changing world around you, whilst uncovering the secrets of the land.

As you would expect from mother nature, the world will continually change through different times of day, weather and seasonal changes.

Once you get used to your surroundings, you will learn Shamanic abilities in order to take control of animals and exploit their unique abilities to assist with your survival. Discovering the relationship between man and nature is the essence of WiLD. As you can take control of any animal in the world, this opens up huge potential for emergent gameplay that will be unique to you.

What do you think this all means for WiLD or is it just a minor update to make the website a bit livelier? Do you think that they might be bouncing the game over to the PS5 or will it just be one of the last titles to be heading to the PS4 only after the new console launch? Do you think this shaman will be our character or will it just be something out in the world? Let us all know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. For more on WiLD, when and if there is more, we will have it all here. Be sure to keep checking in here for all of that.