Video Games
A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here's a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site
And thus completes our week in video games. Well more the week in news and updates about games but I'm sure you get the point by now. We've been all over the place here again as we had some amazing updates for Friday The 13th and Battlefield 1. We also were able to see how fast both Hitman and King's Quest could be on getting out their next and final episodes and that is not to exclude the fact that Batman is getting another so quick as well. All kinds of great updates for our video games even if some of them seemed to be a bit basic in the end.
As ever always, we are pressing on into the review season for video games. We happened to get one off the back log and now we can focus on the many newer titles coming out in the coming weeks or that came out this week. We are on it and trying to do our best here as we are still a small team but to the thousands of you who stop by, hopefully non-bots, we thank you and do this for you. Now we need to dive into our video games again and get a head start for next week. Hopefully…
As with every other week now here is our list of video games we were able to cover in the news for the week. Have fun reading through all of it and hopefully you'll learn something you didn't know before. Until next week, have fun with all of those video games and Happy Gaming All!
- Which Yu Will You Be In Prey When It Releases
- Work Your Ass Off To Ascend In Watch Dogs 2's New Gameplay
- Paragon Gets Into The Spirit With Shadow's Eve Skins
- Ghost Recon Wildlands Does It Once Again… But Stealthier
- It's About Time To Give Them Hell In Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare's Beta
- Just How Will South Park: The Fractured But Whole Surpass Its Predecessor
- Hitman Ends Its First Season On Halloween Night…Or Day
- Take To The Skies Of Battlefield 1 On The Majestic Wings Of A… Pigeon
- Batman: The Telltale Series' Third Episode Has A Date & It's Missing A Face
- Titanfall 2's Single-Player Looks To Be Something Truly Unique
- Dishonored 2's Level Possibilities Feel Endless With Their Themed Missions
- Review — King's Quest: Snow Place Like Home
- Friday The 13th: The Game Is Getting Single Player, But There's A Catch
- Will You Answer The Call Resident Evil 7 Is Making Here
- King's Quest Finale Has Been Dated & It's A Lot Sooner Than You'd Think