Video Games
A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games
Another week in video games in the bag. Thank you for taking the journey with us over the last week as we all tried to stay as up to date with all of our gaming news and updates. Quite a few for Gears Of War 4 and Friday The 13th now weren't there? Not only that but we were able to review on the bigger titles that happened to come out this week in terms of Ratchet & Clank. Video games and their news just falling from everywhere now and you chose us to keep you going. Awesome.
I do want to apologize about the abrupt drop off in news and updates for all your video games last week as yours truly was hospitalized out of nowhere. I'm better, obviously, and back to bring you everything. We still have a few more reviews chambered up and then more as we get into the beta times we have all been promised. I count four that will cover us over the next few weeks and all to make sure all of those video games are completely up to snuff. Not to mention show us some of the cool game features and how it is currently handling.
Here's that general list of video games we were able to cover during this week. Feel free to click on through any or all of them and catch up on what you may have missed. Until next week. Happy Gaming All!
- Titanfall 2 Gets A Teaser For Its World Premiere
- Say Hello To The Darkness Of Gears Of War 4's Story
- Review — Caasi’s Odyssey
- More Friday The 13th: The Game Counselors & How To Keep Them Alive
- Review — Ratchet & Clank
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 Is Getting A New Kind Of Zombie Now
- Change The Hearts & Minds Of Homefront: The Revolution's Populous
- Pre-Order TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan & You Could Get Rockin' Duds
- Turns Out Final Fantasy XV's Flying Car Isn't Just Fast Travel
- A New Ghostbusters Title Announced & It Ties Into The Film
- Get Ready To Run As The Mirror's Edge Catalyst Beta Is Coming
- Paragon Gets A Quirky Dynamic Duo For Its Next Hero
- Another Red Dead Redemption 2 Rumor Pops Up With A Game Map
- Shadwen Adds A Twist To The Stealth Game & Heading To Console Now
- Let's All See That Gears Of War 4 Multiplayer In Action