Video Games
A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games
This week in video games did start out on a somber note but then things escalated quickly. I'm talking about the delay announcement at the start of the week and then a whole slew of new games like Conan Exiles and Song Of The Deep getting full announcements. We even were able to put a nail in the announcement of TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan and sit back and wait for that to come out now. All kinds of great news in video games and we haven't even made it into the bulk of PAX South that is going on right now. I am sure that all kinds of video games will get updated and announced out of there.
I would like to apologize again for the past few weeks in our coverage of video games getting a bit of the disturbance though. We appreciate all of you who come to the site and check out what we have to offer here. That being said, we shouldn't have many more of those issues moving forward and we can get back to talking about and playing all of those video games out there. We are a bit behind on a few reviews and a few more to come so hopefully we will get all of that out in short order. Then the next wave of video games will hit and we can repeat that again.
For those who are not initiated, here is a list of all the video games we were able to cover this week on the site in a nice list order. Have fun reading through them all and I hope you are entertained. Until next week, have a fun weekend playing your video games and Happy Gaming All!
- Mighty No. 9 Hits With More Delays Pushing It To Spring
- Final Fantasy XV's Stealth & Magic Systems Have A Few New Shots
- New Heroes And Gameplay For Paragon As We Rush The Mid-Lane
- TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan Officially Announced & Coming This Summer
- Mortal Kombat X's Tri-Borg To Be Much More Than Meets The Eye
- Umbrella Corps Gets Solo Play & Some Recognizable Maps
- Join The Freedom Fighters Of Homefront: The Revolution Online
- Here Comes The Zombie Horde In Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3
- Yet Another Nightmare To Survive Is Added To Dying Light
- Insomniac's Next Title Has Been Announced As Song Of The Deep
- Conan Exiles Has Been Announced & Going To Bring Us Back To Hyboria
- Free PlayStation & Xbox Video Games Coming February 2016
- Get The Breakdown Of Hellblade's Movement & Control Schemes
- Catch The Opening Hour Of Far Cry Primal Gameplay
- The Division Is Getting A Season Pass Worth Of DLC Too