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Diablo III Brings Real Currency Trading
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 1st of August 2011 - 09:38 PM ]
Well here's some interesting Diablo III news. Players will be able to exchange in game items for real currency! The service will be hosted through an unannounced third party company. The Auction House will be very similar to an E-Bay style system but also completely optional. Players will be able to purchase gold, weapons, armor and runestones on their current accounts, but Blizzard says there will be no "Game play affecting" items available for this type of trade. At the time of this writing Blizzard has no plans to post items directly and will leave the item trading up to the players. Read More...
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Rare Japanese Famicom (NES) Cart Sells For Over $4,000
by Michael Camacho [ Monday, 1st of December 2008 - 09:09 PM ]
Over in Japan, a super rare Famicom (NES) title has sold at auction for over ¥401,010, which converts to roughly $4,250. The title of said game is Kikenbutsu no Yasashii Butsuri to Kagaku, or “The Tender Physics & Science of Explosive Materials”. While it sounds like it could possibly be of eroge nature, it sadly is not. It was used in training for employees of Idemitsu Kosan Ltd.and developed by well known publisher Konami. Read More...
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