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The Date Is Set To Show How Terrible You Are With Trolley Problem, Inc.
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 5th of April 2022 - 07:00 PM ]
Trolley Problem The release date for Trolley Problem, Inc. is set down so you can start the debate again over the Trolley Problem We have all had those ethical quandaries over the years and it looks like they will all be coming back this month on the PC with the launch of Trolley Problem, Inc. This is the latest title that ReadGraves and Yogscast Games has been getting ready for us all and finally dropping all of these thought problems on us on April 21st. Yes, the release date is set down and you can add the game to the lists as you are reading this. If showing the world how horrible you can be is something that you have been hoping to show off. Read More...
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