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PS5 Gamers Will Get To Become A Witch's Familiar With Hela
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 25th of November 2024 - 10:00 PM ]
Hela A PS5 version of Hela is on the way to allow so many more gamers access to the new folktale that Hela is going to offer up Just when you thought only a small subsection of the gaming community would get their time with Hela, it is shown that the PS5 is going to join the ranks of platforms the game is coming to. Now we can look at this and the PC to see just what Windup and Knights Peak are cobbling together with this weird little action-adventure title. Along with the new story and folklore, we are going to get with Hela as we play as one of the mouse familiars to a witch in the lands. Read More...
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Hela Is Announced To Take Us On A Cozy Adventure As A Witches Familiar
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 4th of September 2024 - 09:00 PM ]
Hela The announcement of Hela is out there to show us a weird adventure that some mice will go on in this weird world of Hela Gamers sure do like playing as anthropomorphic animals in their video games and we have one more entry into the list with Hela getting that announcement. A new title on the way from Windup and Knights Peak for the PC that lets us all play as a mouse. A bit different than all of the cat video games we have had and the coming dog ones, only this one leans more into the Scandinavian side of things instead of the meme things. As long as Hela keeps to the witchy aspects of stuff and keeps the fun platforming to a fun and charming side of things. Read More...
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