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Vesper Is Announced To Bring A New Puzzle-Platformer To The World
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 30th of June 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
Vesper A new puzzle and platformer title, Vesper, is announced with a bit of gameplay to get us excited to see what Vesper has to offer Those looking to have a nice feeling from the 90's with atmospheric platformers should get ready, as we now have Vesper to look forward to in the near future. Well, sometime next year level of future if we can survive that long. This is the latest title to be coming out from Cordens Interactive and Deck13 that will aim to take us back, in our own heads, back to those times while Vesper is set in a more modern setting. If that all makes sense to you and all. Read More...
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[XBox 360 Review] Tales Of Vesperia
by Michael Camacho [ Sunday, 28th of September 2008 - 01:27 AM ]
The latest installment of the popular Japanese RPG Tales series, Tales of Vesperia, has arrived on the Xbox 360.  The world of Terca Lumireis is one of which that depends on ancient technology known as Blastia.  Blastia is utilized to perform various tasks from helping to boost combat skills, using magic, dealing with daily activities and work, or even protecting towns from monsters.  The protagonist in Vesperia is a young man named Yuri, whom deviates from the J-RPG stereotype. He isn't whiny or immature, but instead has his own sense of justice and takes matters into his hands, but is very caring even though he tends to not let it show. Read More...
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