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Woolfe: The Red Hood Diaries Is Out Now On Steam
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 17th of March 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
The release date for Woolfe: The Red Hood Diaries from Grin Studios is finally here for the Steam version The time has come and Woolfe: The Red Hood Diaries has launched. At least the Steam version of the game has launched and we are still waiting to hear about the PS4 and Xbox One launch dates for the game. None the less though, all of you PC gamers out there can add another game into the log as Woolfe: The Red Hood Diaries has launched today. Hells, we even get more to the game's story today with the latest trailer to help promote the game. Read More...
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Woolfe: The Red Hood Diaries Is Coming To The PS4 & XB1 This Year
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 30th of January 2015 - 10:00 PM ]
Woolfe: The Red Hood Diaries has entered Steam Early Access ahead of its launch and now GRIN Studios announce that it is coming to the PS4 and Xbox One this year Quite a while back I brought you a look at Woolfe: The Red Hood Diaries from GRIN Studios. It looked like it was going to be a nice, fun, little 2.5D action platforming title coming out. Well nix that. Read More...
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Woolfe: The Redhood Diaries To Be Playable At Gamescom
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 30th of June 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Woolfe: The Redhood Diaries to be at Gamescom and playable in the consumer area for the first time to the public If Woolfe: The Redhood Diaries sounds familiar but you can't place your finger on it, it was showcased during the ID@Xbox montage during the Microsoft press conference on June 9th. Some of you may have heard about the game before that, have a free cookie, but to the public at large that was one of the largest showcasing of the game to date. It was announced a little under a year ago so it is pretty cool for the developers to get the showing at E3 and now Woolfe is getting a nice playable version at Gamescom. That might not be all that cool for a lot of us who will not be able to make the adventure to Gamescom, assuming most of my readers are in the North American region of course, but that does mean that we will be seeing more video from Woolfe: The Redhood Diaries soon. Read More...
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