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Worms Reloaded Gets Steam Powered
by Corey Dockendorf [ Saturday, 14th of August 2010 - 11:40 PM ]
Team 17 has been busy lately. On the heels of their recent release of the Steam title, Alien Syndrome, Team 17 returns to its roots to bring us Worms Reloaded. Worms Reloaded will be released on the Steam platform, and from the looks of the video below, we are getting a revved up version of the 2D classic. Worms Reloaded will feature a number of new weapons, tactics and features, along with some classics like the Holy Hand Grenade and rope swinging. Old school players will be happy to see that the hilarious and addictive game play is still intact; new players, on the other hand, will be introduced to one of the most entertaining tactical games ever to grace the PC. Read More...
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Review: Alien Breed Impact
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 22nd of June 2010 - 10:53 PM ]
Alien Breed: Impact is a nostalgic nod to the classic top down arcade style shooter. Players take on the role of Conrad, a systems engineer who when it comes to weapons is a jack of all trades. If it shoots, blows something up or catches something on fire, you can bet that good ol' Conrad knows how to use it. Your ship is under attack by a swarm of Aliens and you will delve deep into the ship shooting anything that moves in an attempt to regain control. To keep things moving, at the beginning of every level you receive a cut-scene in the comic-book panel format filling you in on the story, along with full voice overs by individual characters. Read More...
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