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Wii Are Old And Fit
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 30th of September 2008 - 04:14 PM ]
Video Gamers Surprisingly Fit and Older Yes, the title was a bit misleading, but it was what I could think up for this article. Deal with it. :) But that doesn't make this latest study any less interesting for the world of gaming, especially for online gaming. Since this is where most of the test data came from. This study was pulled out of about 7000 people on EverQuest servers. At least partly. Read More...
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New Study PWN Myth About Violence
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 17th of April 2008 - 08:37 PM ]
Kids Who Don't Play Video Games Are At Risk Ok, so I know this is always a hot topic for all gamers and the community. Hence why I am posting about this. It's actually a good point in our court. It is a study that has been going on to show that not playing games can contribute to violent and negative behavior. I know right. Sounds a little out there, but these two researchers have spent years looking at the lesser headline grabber than the norm. Read More...
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People PWN The Normal Stats
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 11th of April 2008 - 04:37 PM ]
Interesting Poll Results So I was trolling along the interwebs today. After reading more about the a$$ clowns that beat the girl over MySpace sh*t. I'm thinking about the world and where we are headed. Then I see the above poll results from, then I realized that we truly are into the downward spiral. Look at the stats and then continue down with me to the next paragraph. Ok, so on the offence meter, the violent one is near the bottom of the list. Read More...
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