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System Shock Remastered Has Been Put On A Temporary Hiatus
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 16th of February 2018 - 08:00 PM ]
System Shock Production on the System Shock Remaster has been put on hold as the studio refocuses and aims to give us the System Shock we were all hoping for If you were hoping to get the System Shock Remastered out there any time soon, you will be let down with the most recent update. It looks like Nightdive Studios has had to place the game on a bit of hiatus and thus delayed the game until some undetermined time now. The System Shock Remastered is still being made, but it just looks like the team needs a bit of time to refocus and get back on track to deliver on all of their promises. They did raise a whole lot of money to bring it to the PS4, Xbox One, and PC so there is a lot riding on them getting it just right. Read More...
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There Is A New Update Out There For The System Shock Reboot
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 25th of January 2018 - 08:00 PM ]
System Shock A new update for the System Shock reboot is here and the team dives into a bit on how they are bringing System Shock back with the use of ideas from the past A new update for the System Shock reboot is out there on the interwebs for all of us and the backers of the new version of the game to see. You may have already been able to tell that before you clicked in on the site or if you already threw money at Night Dive Studios to make the game, but for those who do not fall into those categories, here we go. Do not get too excited though unless you are into how games like System Shock are being made as this one takes us into the process on how the team is rebuilding the game's world in a way that pays homage to the original but also is able to use the power of the more modern technology and engines out there. Read More...
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