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Crackdown 3 Has Been Delayed Until Spring Of 2018 Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 17th of August 2017 - 07:00 PM ]
Crackdown 3 After much debate, Crackdown 3 has been delayed to address all of the issues gamers had with Crackdown 3 recently as well as add improvements We were going so well with all of the good news in gaming and then we get hit with Crackdown 3 is on the delayed list yet again. Sadly, yes it looks like Reagent Games and Sumo Digital are going to need a lot more time to get the game out to us as it has been stated that the game is no longer hitting the November 7th release date anymore. Now we won't be seeing Crackdown 3 hitting the Xbox One and Windows PC until sometime in Spring of 2018. This could be a few months delay or a much larger one when you look at what Spring could mean. Read More...
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