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Chasing Static Is Launching Out There On Consoles Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 13th of January 2023 - 08:00 PM ]
Chasing Static The launch for Chasing Static on the consoles is finally here and now all gamers can experience what Chasing Static offers up It has been quite some time since PC gamers have had a chance to enjoy Chasing Static, and now is the time for those console gamers that were able to hold out. The game is not out there and Headware Games have put in all of the changes needed to make sure that the game works just as well for those on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S, as it does for the others. If you have been able to dodge all of the gameplay out there for Chasing Static too, this will be a fun little mystery for us all to solve while getting kicked in the nostalgia once more. Read More...
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Chasing Static Brings Some Low-Poly Visuals For The Current Generation
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of March 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Chasing Static The reveal of Chasing Static is here with Chasing Static giving us a low-poly game on the current-generation systems out there It seems like it is all the rage as of late to go back to a "classic" look with their video games and here we are with the reveal for Chasing Static. This would be another title that is diving into the PS1-era visuals but for the PC and consoles current and next-gen. Headware Games it taking a bit of the time to it all to offer up this title in Q3 of this year and give fans of this style of video game a new experience. It is a bit of an off thing to take in here for Chasing Static as the HUD looks like it is out of this era but the rest of the game looks to take those elements we had decades ago and thrust them back into our lives. Read More...
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