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Zeverland Is Shambling Onto The Scene To Give Us All A New Zombie Survival Experience
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 25th of November 2024 - 08:00 PM ]
Zeverland A new survival game, Zeverland, is announced and it looks as if Zeverland is going to give a solid twist to the genre for us to play online These game companies do live their zombie games and now we have another on the way to us on the PC by the way of Zeverland. A new title coming from Quantum Quirks that looks to give us that good, old survival gameplay in the world while also giving us some extra twists to it all that other titles like it just do not. All with a fun look and style to Zeverland to keep it as accessible to so many other gamers of the world too. That is, the visuals do lean a bit more into the cartoon, and Chibi kind of looks for everything while still giving us the violence one would expect from the setting. Read More...
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