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Project LLL Opens Us A Whole New & Bizarre World For Us To Explore
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 27th of November 2023 - 06:00 PM ]
Project LLL We have a look at the MMO, Project LLL, that is on the way with Project LLL shaking things up a bit in the landscape that we once knew I hope you are ready for another Sci-Fi dystopian future MMO, as that is what we have coming with NCSOFT's upcoming Project LLL. Another vague name that will be changed down the line, I am sure, once it is ready to launch on the PC and consoles in 2024. That is not why we are here for Project LLL, though, as to question the current title of it all would make us ignore the new gameplay we have to look at for the game. New gameplay that shows off the various timelines mangled together with mutants, demons, and humans all fighting to be the one on top of things in the world. Read More...
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