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Aggrocast Episode Seventy: Gamer Land
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 14th of June 2010 - 03:57 AM ]
Episode 70 sends the Aggrocast team to talk about Split/Second, Iron Man 2, Picross 3D, Just Cause 2, and more.  Binh brings us his experience at Midnight Gaming Classic. We also talk about a gamer theme park, the recently announced Mass Effect movie and more.The AggroCast is nothing without your support. Please tweet about your love for your AggroCast crew and don't forget to rate and review us on iTunes and the Zune Marketplace. It really only takes a few moments. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Sixty Nine: About Time
by Michael Camacho [ Thursday, 3rd of June 2010 - 06:50 PM ]
After an elongated absence, Episode 69 is finally here for your listening pleasure. Michael, Brian and Binh bring you another fun show. We tackle what we've been playing, which includes Beat Hazard, Picross 3D, Super Street Fighter IV, Record of Agarest War, and more. Bargain Binh revisits one of the games we discussed earlier in the show. Brian delivers some photo kung-fu as he takes us On The DL. Michael's Netflix Pick is an action flick straight out of Hong Kong. Read More...
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