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Earthworm Jim Is Finally Going To Take Us Beyond The Groovy Again
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 19th of November 2021 - 10:00 PM ]
Earthworm Jim Earthworm Jim is on the way back with the announcement of a new TV show titles Earthworm Jim: Beyond The Groovy It is time to ask what year it is again, as it looks like Earthworm Jim is on the way back to us. Only this time, he is on the way back with a new animated TV show that is in the works. No, we are not getting any kind of new video game out of Interplay here, but the animated show from 1996 is getting a bit of a reboot here. A reboot in the way of Earthworm Jim: Beyond The Groovy that will carry on the fun and humor some of us grew up with back in the 90s there. Read More...
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