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The Sandbox Narrative
by Kevin [ Monday, 3rd of August 2009 - 04:16 PM ]
There have been more open world, sandbox style adventures in recent memory than ever before. Non-linear gameplay is fully embraced and every videogame genre has felt its influence at one point or another. The ability to turn off, or flat out ignore mission objectives is a must in today's titles and the unlimited access to a living, breathing game world is embraced without reservation. How often, however, have we allowed that freedom to take the place of a well crafted and well explored story? Grand Theft Auto is usually quoted as a landmark franchise for the ability to blend an open and emergent gameplay with a dedicated and evolving storyline. Read More...
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Project Natal
by Kevin [ Monday, 8th of June 2009 - 05:54 PM ]
You clutch the weapon, your breath short as your lungs are barely functioning. You try and remember every point of entry the enemy will come from. You can hear the echoes of their battle cries fill every precipice and crack in the walls – but you hold still and ready. To engage them fully would be suicide you think, and the only death you are willing to give allowance to is theirs. So you sit, and you wait. Each moment becoming more visceral then the last, and then you see them, and your body empties a war cry from every sinew, bone, and cell. Read More...
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"Geek" Culture
by Alyssa Porter [ Wednesday, 5th of March 2008 - 11:04 PM ]
Geek Culture though my eyes We all know what it feels like to be an outcast and somewhat different than your peers. Whether you are in middle school, high school, college, or the work force, you know what it feels like to be left out. For all of you who have ever been called a geek, nerd, dork, or freak, I know how you feel. When I was in high school I used to try to defend myself against such names as “geek” but now I realize that names like that are not such bad things. Each of these descriptive definitions of someone has many positive aspects to offer. Read More...
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