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Release Tuesday 7-14-09
by Ben Brody [ Tuesday, 14th of July 2009 - 09:07 PM ]
Release Tuesday version 7.14.09 brings us 1 new entry into our video game libraries. NCAA Football 10 is released this Release Tuesday and it is by far the best looking NCAA Football game yet. Over 20 improvements make this years game the one to get. The ability to finally put currently-in-the-WAC Boise State in the Pac 10 with the big boys to see how well they will dominate there is now available with Custom Conferences, an ability not only for offline play but for online dynasty modes. Season Showdown and Road to Glory add a new twist to the game of football with the ability to finally feel like you are playing for your team. Over 900 new animations made it into the game and the plays are more fluid and realistic looking than ever. Read More...
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NCAA Football 10 Review
by Ben Brody [ Tuesday, 14th of July 2009 - 02:47 PM ]
Defenses be damned, offense is the name of the game in EA Sports' NCAA Football 10, their newest iteration of the NCAA football series. With all new game modes and a new presentation, it is clearly the sharpest looking of all, but is it the best? NCAA Football 10 continues the time-honored tradition of only adding just enough to get people to buy the new edition for the new year. Incorrect uniforms, dull (and often inaccurate) stadiums, boring commentary and lackluster audio plague the game, however it has always been that way. The first game I played, a rivalry game between Wisconsin and Minnesota, wasn't a very good first impression. Read More...
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