NCAA Football 10 is released this Release Tuesday and it is by far the best looking NCAA Football game yet. Over 20 improvements make this years game the one to get. The ability to finally put currently-in-the-WAC Boise State in the Pac 10 with the big boys to see how well they will dominate there is now available with Custom Conferences, an ability not only for offline play but for online dynasty modes. Season Showdown and Road to Glory add a new twist to the game of football with the ability to finally feel like you are playing for your team. Over 900 new animations made it into the game and the plays are more fluid and realistic looking than ever. Make sure to read my full review of this game too! NCAA Football 10 is rated E for Everyone and will be available for the XBOX 360, PS3, PS2, and PSP. Wii users will have to stick with NCAA Football 09.