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Walk Through Some Of The Early Gameplay For Haunted Bloodlines
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 29th of October 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
Haunted Bloodlines Get ready for Haunted Bloodlines to terrify you with some of the new gameplay we have for Haunted Bloodlines In just a couple of days we will all get the culmination of Halloween hitting us and then many will move on to the darker holidays out there. Still, we have one more fun entry for Haunted Bloodlines before all of that happens. A new look at some of the gameplay that can be experienced in the game that Horrified Triangles and Iphigames have been working on for the PC. At least if you have chosen not to give the demo out there for Haunted Bloodlines a go before now. Read More...
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Haunted Bloodlines Will Take Us Deeper Into Another Dark Mansion Out There
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 13th of February 2024 - 10:00 PM ]
Haunted Bloodlines A new horror title, Haunted Bloodlines, is on the way with Haunted Bloodlines diving back into the scary mansion setting of things If you are one of those out there looking for another first-person horror title to take you deeper into a creepy mansion, then here we go with Haunted Bloodlines. This would be the next big title for the PC that Horrified Triangles and Iphigames has in the pipes that is going to do just that. All while giving us more things to escape and adding in a terrifying story to the mix of Haunted Bloodlines. Read More...
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