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Review: Halo 4
by Matt Waitt [ Friday, 23rd of November 2012 - 05:30 PM ]
Sorry for taking so long to let this review finally see the light of day. I played Halo 4 a bit differently for my first time and my co op partner was busy for a week or so. As I write this my hands are shaking as if my nerves have been shot, my heart rate sits at a steady rate a bit above normal, and my head is racing with countless thoughts and ideas about what I had just witnessed. Also, my butt is numb from sitting for so long. I got a bittersweet taste in my mouth. Read More...
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Mircrosoft E3 2012 Press Conference Recap
by Matt Waitt [ Tuesday, 5th of June 2012 - 05:42 AM ]
If you missed the Microsoft E3 2012 Press Conference, then you didn't miss much. Here's a recap of the event. It started off huge and quickly went downhill. A game play demo of Halo 4, for some reason it reminded me of Metroid Prime. A game play demo of Splinter Cell: Blacklist, which features Kinect voice support. New trailer for the upcoming Gears Of War: Judgment in 2013. It is a prequel. Read More...
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