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Gun Jam Will Be Jamming Out There In Just A Few Weeks Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of April 2023 - 07:00 PM ]
Gun Jam A release date for Gun Jam on the PC is set down with Gun Jam hitting us all before the end of this month Get your headphones ready and guns up and going with the release date for the PC version of Gun Jam. Not the VR version, but an FPS version of the game from Jaw Drop Games that will have us shooting and killing everything to the beat of the music. Yes, this is another rhythm shooter title out there that feels like all of the rage as of late. Now we just get it for Gun Jam on April 19th to hit the stores. Read More...
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Gun Jam Is Fusing Many More Musical Styles Together For Us
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 27th of January 2022 - 10:00 PM ]
Gun Jam A new reveal for Gun Jam is out there to show us how Gun Jam will meld many different styles into one game Originally, Gun Jam was teased as something that could come to us all and now we are here with the next big announcement for the game. Nothing too huge as it is a showing that Jaw Drop Games and Raw Fury are working together to make a reality, but it is something. Something for all of the PC gamers out there to take note of if they are into rhythm games and want something a bit different. A bit different in the way that Gun Jam will be mixing various different musical styles that traditionally are not done in these kinds of games. Read More...
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