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by Stephanie Naboshek [ Tuesday, 3rd of June 2008 - 05:40 AM ]
This last weekend, I joined my fellow A-KON 19 goers in a gathering of monsterous proportions. After 3 long hours of waiting, dehydration, an upset firemarshal and plently of waiting in line, 669* of us broke the record, "MOST PEOPLE DRESSED AS VIDEOGAME CHARACTERS IN ONE GATHERING". Now although the number was only 669*, I can assure you that the total number of people qualified at the con was in the 1,000s.I was proud to be amongst the many who went through an afternoon of choas to get the job done. Congratulations to everyone out there who participated!! Read More...
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A-KON 19 to break World Record...
by Stephanie Naboshek [ Sunday, 6th of April 2008 - 11:28 PM ]
Well as many of us know, I'm a regular at the Dallas based anime convention A-kon. A-Kon, for those of you who don't know, is also the lonest running Anime Convention in America. It's one of the largest too. Recently the people over at A-KON anounced incredible news. A-kon is going to attempt to break The Guinness Book record for most  'Most Video Game Costumes in One Place'. Now as a regular at A-kon I can assure you that we've broken that record yearly.  Last year A-KON saw an estimated of 10,000 plus ppl nerding it up at the Adams Mark hotel in Dallas. Read More...
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