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Marvel Heroes Omega Has A New Name & Is Also Heading To Consoles Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of April 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
Marvel Heroes The PC MMO title Marvel Heroes has been renamed to Marvel Heroes Omega and is heading to our consoles soon and for the low price of free If you put on your "Way-Back Hat" or have been playing Marvel Heroes for a while now, then you are most likely fully aware on what this game is all about. It is an action-oriented, MMO RPG that Gazillion and Secret Identity Studios put together for us that let us play out the exploits of our favorite Marvel characters in their universe. Some mixed into the current cinematic one and others from the pages of the comics. Read More...
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Does Super Hero Squad Online Appeal To You?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 24th of May 2010 - 05:29 PM ]
Well here you go true believers. Officially debuting on the great internets is the trailer for Marvel Super Hero Squad Online. Gods that is a long ass title. From here on it will be, MSHSO. Long title or no, that doesn't disregard the fact that now we can take a look at one of the rendered videos for MSHSO. At least what looks like an intro to the game that isn't coming out until next year sometime. So they have time to shorten the title or find something catchy. Read More...
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