Does Super Hero Squad Online Appeal To You?

I will admit that when I saw this I though, "WTF?!?" But now that I have let it set in, I am a bit curious on how this game will appeal to an older generation of gamers. Seeing as it is online, and most likely requiring a credit card, this isn't going to be something a kid can pick up and play. That being the case, and from the looks of the video here, Marvel and Gazillion are going to try the Lego™ style humor to keep us not so kid minded people interested for MSHSO in the coming year. Which if this is the case, I might be toasting bread for Spidey as Wolverine while using the Human Torch. All the while expecting "Hulk Smash!"

What do you think? You being a hopefully older generation of gamers and not some pimple faced pre-teen. Pre-teen thoughts welcome too though.