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Yet Another October Release
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 20th of August 2008 - 07:31 PM ]
Fallout 3 Available October 28 Well at least for the US. You people in the Europe Area (Yea I said you people. Wanna fight about it?) have to wait another 3 days from that. But that's not too bad right? But in any instance, we will all have yet another game to take our time this Halloween. 3 by my count. I think I'm missing one though. Check out the release bellow. Read More...
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US Gets PWNed By Capcom
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 18th of April 2008 - 04:55 PM ]
Resident Evil O Wii Only In Japan So when I first heard of this game coming out, I got excited. Cause at the time, it was just announced that they were working on putting out the WiiMake of this good old GameCube game. If only they would have left it that way. The making it seem like it was coming out everywhere. Well things have changed and it is only slated to come out in Japan. That put a sad face on me. Read More...
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