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Ruin On The PS Vita
by Corey Dockendorf [ Thursday, 9th of June 2011 - 02:14 AM ]
Multiple character classes, action based role playing, advancement and loot, Torchlight&helip;I mean Ruin is coming out on the latest announced platform, the PS Vita. It honestly looks like Torchlight/Diablo, but considering it's on the PS Vita I'm okay with that. This is the style of game the mobile platform was intended. Developers Idol Minds are the geniuses behind this gem, who also brought you Pain The Game where you could throw Andy Dick through pretty much anything but a solid building (and then some). This game play trailer brought to you by G4TV. Read More...
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Reality Video Game?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 2nd of July 2008 - 11:24 PM ]
American Ninja Warriors Sought While not exactly a bit of gaming news. But I thought it would be fun to bring it up for anyone on here that missed this. On top of that, when you look at Ninja Warrior, it is a weird kind of Real Life Video Game. I mean it is a mix of Assassin's Creed and Tenchu. And it is hosted by G4 so that could give another merit to gaming and pwnage Looks like G4 is looking to get three people to send off to compete on the Ninja Warrior challenge. If you haven't seen the show, it is where 100 people start out running an obstacle course that test the human body to no end. Everything from Parkour to swinging on chains to spider climbing up glass walls. Read More...
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