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Keep Calm & Carry On To The Release Date For Fallout: London
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 27th of December 2023 - 10:00 PM ]
Fallout The massive Fallout 4 mod has a release date set down for us all to get ready to dive into what Fallout: London has to offer Here we go with a bit of good and bad news when it comes to our games again, but now we have a look at the new release date set for Fallout: London. No, this is not a massive new title from Bethesda that flew under your radar, but a massive undertaking of an amazing and talented group of modders taking us to a new location in the Fallout 4 game. Not just with a few new flashy lights, bells, and whistles but something that could rival many of the other massive DLC drops for the title back when the main studio was still working on it. Sadly, it is only for the PC gamers out there but now they can look toward April 23rd, 2024, to get a slice of a new part of the world. Read More...
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