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The DLC For This Article Will Be Released Soon.
by Kenton Winkfield [ Tuesday, 22nd of January 2013 - 07:07 PM ]
I love it when I turn on a game I've already played and beaten and find that there is brand new stuff to do thanks to new content being added. But, in a world dominated by the internet is it really such a good thing now? I feel that games now-a-days are sometimes left incomplete in order to reach deadlines, and the finishing touches are just brought out at a later date in the form of patches or add-ons. In the past; unless you were on a PC; an incomplete game was rare on consoles before they could access the internet. And unless the game was incredibly good, people wouldn't go out to buy the next installments. Read More...
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This week in Nintendo
by Binh Nguyen [ Tuesday, 15th of December 2009 - 02:37 AM ]
Ladies and Gents, it is what we all have been waiting for! This week for the Virtual Console, Nintendo brings to you the one, the only. Earthworm Jim….2! The Worm is back with his sidekick, Snott, for their sequel of this off-the-wall game. For the DSiWare, PopCap lets you be be-dazzled with with Bejeweled Twist as you spin, match and explode pretty gems . Here is the rest of the list for this week. Download the games for yourself or maybe a last minute gift for those you forgot, either way you cannot go wrong with all the titles for this week. Read More...
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The Ultimate Gaming Wishlist (8/13/09)
by Jesse [ Thursday, 13th of August 2009 - 03:35 PM ]
Normally when I write a new installment for this series I tend to focus on a specific video game that I would like to see come to fruition. For the next two weeks though I’ve decided to change it up a little and discuss more general subjects. This week I’d like to discuss downloadable content with next week shifting focus to collector’s edition. Both are areas of video gaming that have become staples over the last few years and both have given us distinctive examples of what works and what doesn’t work. We’ve seen so many DLC packs and limited edition releases that I think you could create a perfect stencil that every developer and every publisher should follow because it would deliver the best extension of a game every time. Read More...
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