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Review: Darkest of Days
by Binh Nguyen [ Tuesday, 8th of September 2009 - 07:54 PM ]
Time travel is the one thing that we all wish we had in today's world. It would be easy to travel back in time and change a few of the mistakes we have made. Sadly, it is only a reality in movies and video games. While this ability is not totally unfettered in Phantom EFX's newest First Person Shooter, Darkest of Days, you do get to travel back in time and see some of history's more iconic eras and famous battles. The difference between this and other time travel games is that you actually have the opportunity to change the outcome of some of these events and battles. The Characters: You used to be Alex Morris, a recently transferred solider under the command of General Custer. Read More...
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Time To Travel Back Into Time
by Binh Nguyen [ Monday, 10th of August 2009 - 10:23 PM ]
From the articles I have written or hearing me on the Aggrocast, you probably know I'm excited for a little title called Darkest of Days. Well today independent game developer, 8monkey Labs, and Phantom EFX, a leading developer and publisher of entertainment software, has announced today that on August 11th 2009 a demo of Darkest of Days will be available on the PC. Aaron Schurman, Chief Executive Officer at Phantom EFX had this to say: "Custer's infamous last stand at the Battle of Little Big Horn, and the Battle of Antietam, the bloodiest day in American history… these are just a few of humanity’s darkest days, and you can dive into both of these in the Darkest of Days demo. This hour-long demo lets players experience unrivaled carnage and to experience what it’s like to use futuristic weapons in period settings and see what happens when you alter history while fighting against hundreds of enemies during some of man's greatest struggles in History! Read More...
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Watch the training video, before you fire that gun
by Binh Nguyen [ Friday, 31st of July 2009 - 05:26 PM ]
Darkest of Days is only a little over a month away before their September 8th release of the game. If this is the first time you have ever heard of the game here is a brief overview, or read my E3 impression. But overall you are a time agent going back into different parts of time and solving the reasons why history is changing. Did I mention that if you screw up history also that other agents will come after you? No? Read More...
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E3 Impression: Darkest of Days
by Binh Nguyen [ Tuesday, 16th of June 2009 - 05:06 PM ]
Getting tired of all the World War games out there? I’m sure you’re not the only one, myself including. *cough*World at War*cough*. But, have you ever wonder what it would feel like being a part of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War? How about the battle of Antietam? I am sure you want to kill you want to kill a Spartan with your machine gun. Well you now can with 8 Monkey Labs newest release, Darkest of Days. At E3, I was one of the lucky few to find out about this new IP. Read More...
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