At E3, I was one of the lucky few to find out about this new IP. At first I was a bit skeptical about how it would turn out, but after meeting the folks from 8 Monkey Labs I was very impressed with what they will be releasing and here’s why.
You are Alex Morris. You’re a normal solider under the command of General Custer. You are in a middle of a battle surrounded by natives. As you’re trying to fend off the natives, you are suddenly struck by an arrow and you are not able to move as you watch General Custer dies. Only you’re not at Little Big Horn where he is suppose to die according to history. All of the sudden a Time Agent comes out and saves you and warps you to the future.
Now tell me that this game does not sound interesting. If you haven’t notice by now, history is changing and no one knows the reason why and it is your duty to find out why. Oh, did I mention that you can’t just shoot everyone on the field? If you kill those with auras around them, that it will affect history? Oh and the Time Agents will come and stop you. Sound interesting yet? If that doesn't interests you, then how about using weapons from that era with a bit of modern upgrade. Does it interest you now?
While sitting with 8 Monkey Labs, as they were talking about the game, they mentioned that the game is being run on their own engine called Marmoset Engine. Marmoset Engine? Why not use the Unreal Engine? Well there is a reason why they didn't use the Unreal Engine. That is because with a game like Darkest of Days, 8 Monkey needed an engine that is able to handle many NPC on a wide open field. Unlike any other FPS out there, 8 Monkey needed an engine to recreate some of the world most famous battles in a large scale. Meaning a level in Darkest of Days can go from 1 to 4 square miles in size. That is a lot of space to work with. Imagine having up to 300+ NPCs in front of you and you need to be in the middle of that battlefield. It will be pretty intense that’s for sure. You can find out more information about the engine at: http://www.8monkeylabs.com/technology and it is worth a read on what the engine can do.
I could go on and on about this game and the new engine that they will be releasing, but then it would make me look like I am working for 8 Monkey Labs. The game may be one of those hidden gems that only a few were lucky enough to witness at E3. Just the fact that you get to experience battles from different era that no other FPS has done before. Wide open fields, tons and tons of enemies in front of you, futuristic weapons in the Civil War. Where can I sign up? Darkest of Days will be available fall of 2009 for the PC and Xbox 360.
Don’t screw up history too badly now.