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Atari Is Bringing Yet Another Re-Imagining With Haunted House: Cryptic Graves
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 2nd of September 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
It looks like Atari is re-imagining yet another title to bring to PC and this time it is Haunted House: Cryptic Graves If you have no idea what Haunted House: Cryptic Graves is, don't fret. It is most likely well before your time when the original title from Atari was released, 1982, so you may not have a point of reference for Haunted House: Cryptic Graves. That is okay though as we do have a nice little teaser trailer for the re-imaging of the game that is slated to release this Fall on PC. It sure looks a lot creepier than the original 2600 version of the game way back in the day. Read More...
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