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Tried Not To Buy Into The Goat Simulator Craze…But Here's The Launch Trailer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 28th of March 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
Goat Simulator from Coffee Stain Studios is set to launch on April 1st. Here's the launch trailer. Sometimes when I think I have gamers figured out something like Goat Simulator comes along and makes me question everyone's priorities in the world. I heard about this game back during its early inception and could have sworn it was just some joke being played by someone modding another game. Then the trailers began hitting the internet and everyone and their sister's uncle's cousin's former roommate was talking about it. Then I looked deeper and still could swear this is some kind of joke given the high demand that all of us gamers place on other studios to take everything serious in the industry. Read More...
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