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Mafia 3: Rivals Is Aiming To Take Over Our Mobile Devices Just Like The Streets
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 22nd of September 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
Mafia 3 A new mobile game, Mafia 3: Rivals, has been announced and it looks to bring a little bit of Mafia 3 to our phones and tablets Good news for all of you mobile gamers out there who are apparently not gaming on the PS4, Xbox One, or PC as Mafia 3: Rivals has just been announced and coming to the iOS and Android systems. No, 2K Games isn't porting over the full other game but it looks like Cat Daddy Games has crafted a mobile tie-in game to keep us going when on the move. I also think that stating this is a tie-in to Mafia 3 might be a little overzealous on my end too as it could be something a bit different. Read More...
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