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Shadow Realms Has Officially Been Canceled
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 9th of February 2015 - 10:00 PM ]
It was announced today that Shadow Realms is being canceled so BioWare Austin can focus on other franchises and IPs including Star Wars If there has been a game as of late with many ups and downs in terms or cancellations it has been Shadow Realms. It is this fact that I personally have stayed a little guarded when it came to the game as rumors about cancellations of the project by BioWare and/or EA have been all over the place shortly after the official announcement near the end of last year. I am kind of glad that I kept myself a bit distanced from Shadow Realms now as the game has been officially canceled by BioWare Austin and EA. Sad news for some and kind of background noise for others who were like me and didn't get too close to have felt the horrible sting of the cancellation. Read More...
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