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Manhunt & Bully Are Coming To A PS4 Near You
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 22nd of March 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
Manhunt Manhunt & Bully have popped up on the EU PS Store via PS2 'backwards' so we can all experience the joys of Manhunt yet again Seemingly out of nowhere it looks like Manhunt and Bully have popped up on the EU PlayStation store for purchase on the PS4. Yes these two PS2 classic titles from Rockstar Games are the next on the list for the "backwards compatible" titles that we were told would be coming. Not only coming but given a high res treatment and throwing all of the new features that the PS4 has into the mix for both titles. This includes a Platinum trophy for both Manhunt and Bully for those hunters out there. Read More...
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Issues With A Bully?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 6th of March 2008 - 10:02 PM ]
Rockstar Apologizes For And Is Working On 360 Bully Now that I've suckered you into the article, time to mess you up. I'll try not to mess you up as bad as Rockstar has made it seem that they have messed up. Apparently their testing and QA department didn't catch all of the bugs in the game before release. Let me list them for you: Serious frame rate issues Audio glitches Freezing At least those are the ones reported thus far. Sam Houser had this to say about the whole things to boot. Read More...
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