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Putting The PS4 Rumors To Rest
by Binh Nguyen [ Thursday, 10th of June 2010 - 05:40 PM ]
So it has been an interesting past couple of days with the two video “leaked” from the YouTube channel “SCELabs.” They had people wondering in regards to if Sony is actually going to be announcing PlayStation 4 or if it was something for th 3D gaming patch. Well, it isn't for the PS4. Shocker huh? Al de Leon, Sony hardware PR representative said, “I can confirm that this video is not from SCE (Sony Computer Entertainment).” My Take: Well at least we know that the videos are a complete fake and we do not have to wonder any more. Read More...
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[Rumor] PlayStation 4? Is This For Real?
by Binh Nguyen [ Wednesday, 9th of June 2010 - 11:23 PM ]
Yesterday I reported about a video that was “leaked” in regards if Sony is going to be announcing a new console or working on 3D gaming with the current PlayStation 3. Today we have the second “leaked” video for your viewing pleasure. In this video you will see a man sitting in his chair staring at the screen while two Japanese lab workers asking if he was ready. After he puts on headphones and a pair of what appears to be cheap 3D glasses, they turn on a machine and the fun begins. Images start to show and the man looks like he is seeing the images up close and personal. Read More...
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